/ voltrix


a terminal colorscheme

「voltrix」 is a sweet, maximalist colorscheme that invokes the whimsical uniformity of pastels, without sacrificing the placating vibrance of postmodernity.

I love vibrant, high-contrast colorschemes, but I find they always tend to ground themselves in either pastels or a recognized primary palette, which leads to uniformity, both internally and as a medium. voltrix is my attempt to solve this, by taking an opinionated angle on the hue wheel and ensuring that the colors are just too bright to be mistaken for pastels.

voltrix is available for the terminal emulator Alacritty (at the main repository) and Vim/Neovim (at the voltrix.vim repository). The main repository also includes some documentation on the color standard, and some more information about installing and using the colorscheme.

And a fun fact for the VOLBOT•ORG superfans: all of the randomly-generated colors on the website are pulled from the 6 voltrix ANSI colors!