/ volbot.conf


a config repo

I've used Linux for around three years now. I often say that it's because I love learning about computers, or because I hate monopolies, which are both true, but the real reason is that I'm viciously obsessed with details, and Windows makes you take a guided museum tour through every UI design from the past two decades to do something as simple as changing your mouse sensitivity.

I also hate incongruity between my computers, and having my digital comfort pinned on a series of bits on a hard drive, so I have everything backed up on GitLab, so I can pull it to my laptop and get the same configuration, and share it with others who bear the same curse as I.

It's still sort of in flux right now, so at some point I will replace this paragraph with a rundown of the major moving parts. However, it's well-documented, wherever the configuration isn't self-explanatory, so if you like window managers and terminals, it's worth checking out!